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A.R.I. Bari - 30° Vlora Commemoration Award


In August 2021, the operators of the A.R.I. Bari Radio Club will commemorate the 30th anniversary of the landing of about 20,000 Albanians from the Vlora ship.

An Award will take place for this occasion from August 1 to 31, 2021.

All members of the A.R.I. Bari Radio Club will be active on all bands in SSB, CW and digital modes (FT4, FT8, RTTY, PSK31, PSK63) with own calls an with the special call IR7ZA and Radio club call IQ7DV.

The AWARD is open to all hamradio operators worldwide.

Start: 00:00 UTC 1 August 2021, End: 23:59 UTC 31 August 2021

The Award will be issued for QSO with members of the A.R.I. Bari Radio Club and with the special stations active for the occasion.

HF (1,8 – 30Mhz) , 144, 430, 1200 – CW, SSB and digital modes.

For the ranking purpose, each operator can be connected on the same day, once per band and mode (20m SSB, 20m CW, 20m FT8 etc ....).

The points will be awarded as follows:

IR7ZA e IQ7DV = 10 points. For QSO with special stations in any band and mode.
CW= 5 points. For QSO with members of the A.R.I. Bari Radio Club in HF, VHF, SHF bands.
SSB = 4 points. For QSO with members of the A.R.I. Bari Radio Club in HF, VHF, SHF bands
Digital Modes (RTTY, PSK) = 3 points. For QSO with members of the A.R.I. Bari Radio Club in HF bands.
FT4/FT8/JT65 = 2 points. For QSO with members of the A.R.I. Bari Radio Club in HF, VHF, SHF bands.

To obtain the Award, you need to realize QSO with the members of the A.R.I. Bari Radio Club who expressly transmit as a valid station for the award.
You need to reach a minimum of 50 points, in the times and in the manner indicated in these rules.
The issue of the Award is free.
A Certificate of participation will be issued through the website, at the end of the event, for those who have not reached the threshold of points for the achievement of the Award.
You could view your score in real time on the website, where everyone will be able to check QSO made and the daily active stations.